Do You Need a Testosterone Supplement To Gain A Lean Physique?

As you explore the various supplements designed to help you achieve greater results with your bodybuilding efforts, you are sure to be confronted with the great testosterone supplement debate. Do you need testosterone supplements? Are testosterone supplements safe?

This debate has been going on for some time now. There are testosterone supplements that are safe, but they are typically made of all natural ingredients, and do not contain anabolic steroids. All bodybuilding organizations ban the use of anabolic steroids, and the FDA bans over the counter supplements that contain anabolic steroids as well.

When using natural testosterone supplements, there are no side effects – under the right conditions. You see, you can have a testosterone level that is normal, low, or high. If it is low or high, there is a negative impact on your health and your bodybuilding efforts.

Bodybuilders should strive for a normal testosterone level, and the level of your testosterone can only be determined by a visit to your doctor, with a simple blood test.

It is important to realize that a high testosterone level does not result in bigger muscles or better performance. Only a normal level of testosterone can accomplish this. When excess testosterone is detected by your body, it stops production of its own testosterone. It also turns the excess testosterone into DHT, which is responsible for baldness and leads to prostate problems.

The body can also turn excess testosterone into estrogen, which is a female hormone, which can result in an appearance that a male bodybuilder definitely does not want. It does all of this, and you get absolutely zero bodybuilding rewards from it.

Typically, when a bodybuilder is using testosterone supplements, without even knowing if he has a low testosterone level, it is because he has been misinformed concerning the benefits – or lack of benefits – of an increased testosterone level.

If you aren’t sure whether you need a testosterone supplement or not, you should first visit your doctor for that blood test. Talk to him about your bodybuilding efforts, and how testosterone affects the building of muscles – and how too much and too little testosterone have a negative effect on your efforts.

If you are in your teens or twenties, you can probably save yourself some money on that doctor’s visit. This is when your testosterone production is at its highest, and you most likely have a normal level of testosterone. However, if you are over thirty, and you are serious about bodybuilding, a visit to your doctor for that blood test to determine whether you need a testosterone supplement is definitely in order.

Deca-Durabolin – A 19-Nortestosterone Derivative

Deca-Durabolin, also called ‘Deca’ is extremely popular among body-builders due to its exceptional bodybuilding effects. Deca-Durabolin has the capability to quickly add muscle, diminish body fat levels and alleviate joint problems. Deca-Durabolin is also believed to have less adverse side effects than other anabolic steroids.

Deca-durabolin is an injectable steroid and a 19-nortestosterone derivative. Deca-Durabolin is a low androgenic steroid, with high anabolic properties. Deca-Durabolin works by causing the muscle fiber to augment retentiveness of the nitrogen element. This is what’s called optimistic nitrogen stability. A positive nitrogen balance is required for amplified muscle development because muscle cells use nitrogen to encourage muscle tissue synthesis.

Deca-Durabolin injection contains the active ingredient nandrolone decanoate, which causes masculinization in men who are without natural male hormones. Deca-Durabolin injection is also useful to deal osteoporosis in women who have passed the menopause. Some of the other benefits of Deca-Durablolin are increased protein synthesis, no conversion to Estrogen or DHT fast recovery from intense workouts, increase muscle mass, muscle repair, rebuild and growth, stamina, boost energy level, decrease body fat and increase overall strength.

Bill Phillips, the Editor of Muscle Media 2000 stated that he would take one cycle of Deca-Durabolin for twelve months to help recover his overall physical health. Lots of highly esteemed physicians and medical experts also share this same admiration of Deca-Durabolin due to its lack of side effects, low perniciousness, and great usefulness.

The common side effects that are known to be associated with Deca-Durabolin are high blood pressure levels, acne, giddiness, headaches, increased libido, nausea leukopenia, peptic ulcer, acne, edema (water retention), excitation, wakefulness, frissons, vomiting, diarrhea, hypertension, extended blood clotting time, increased libido. The side effects of Deca-Durabolin in females are menstrual irregularities, post-menopausal bleeding, breasts swelling, hoarseness or deepening of the voice, swelling of the clitoris, and water retention. In case of men, the common side effects of Deca-Durabolin are impotence, chronic priapism, epididymitis, inhibition of testicular function, oligospermia, and bladder irritability.

Deca-Durabolin should always be purchased from genuine drugstores. Deca-Durabolin can be purchased online. There are a number of online drugstores selling Deca-Durabolin online, but the drug should be purchased from authentic sites.

Buy Anabolic Steroids, But For Right Usage

Anabolic steroids are man-made steroid endocrines helpful in raising the growth of cells and dissection. It is also helpful in the development of muscle tissue, bone growth, appetite and puberty. Anabolic steroids came into existence in the early 1930s, and since then these have been used for different medical purposes.

Anabolic Steroids are also called anabolic-androgenic steroids, which have different combinations of the androgenic and anabolic properties. Anabolic steroids cause the body to raise the tissue amount and to metabolize body fat. Thus, a muscle builders use these medications to their advantage.

There are many different types of anabolic steroids available in the market, such as Accutane, Clenbuterol, Cytomel, HCG, Clomid, Nolvadex, Proviron, Arimidex, Caverject, Viagra, Silagra, Propecia, Testosterone Anadrol, Anavar, Deca Durabolin, Equipoise, Sustanon, and Winstrol.

However some body builders and sports people buy anabolic steroids to use them for wrong purposes. These people not only get themselves into trouble, but also put down the spirit of their respective sports. The usage of anabolic steroids to get advantage in bodybuilding/sports/athletics is prohibited and it’s illegal. The people who buy anabolic steroids for illegal usage should know the dangers and side effects associated with Anabolic Steroids. So, all people, specifically bodybuilders and sports persons, are advised to buy anabolic steroids just for positive usage.

It is not difficult to buy anabolic steroids, however people are advised to buy anabolic steroids from the well-known retail merchants like Norma Hellas, Organon, Scheering, and British Dragon.

People can buy anabolic steroids both offline as well as online. Internet is growing very popular way to buy anabolic steroids, as it saves a lot of time and money. The online sales of anabolic steroids have remarkably increased in the recent times.

Online druggists offer a full range of the drugs. There are a number of online drug stores selling anabolic steroids online. However there are many online drug stores selling counterfeit anabolic steroids online. The internet users should always go for lawful and authentic sources to buy anabolic steroids. They can do little research on internet to find genuine and credible sites to buy anabolic steroids online.

Bona Fide History About Steroids

Testosterone Propionate was the first anabolic steroid in the history about steroids in the United States. The anabolic steroid was mentioned in a U.S. weightlifting/bodybuilding magazine, in a letter to the editor of Strength and Health magazine in 1938. Dianabol (Methandrostenolone) was developed by Dr. John Ziegler with the help of Ciba pharmaceutical company, and was first marketed in the United States in 1956. Dianabol was approved for use in the United States by the federal Food and Drug Administration in 1958.

According to the later 20th Century history about steroids, the US Congress began considering placing anabolic steroids under the Controlled Substances Act after Ben Johnson controversy at the Seoul Olympics in 1988. However, during deliberations the AMA (American Medical Association), DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration), FDA (Food and Drug Administration), and NIDA (National Institute on Drug Abuse) all opposed listing anabolic steroids as controlled substances citing the fact that use of these hormones simply doesn’t lead to the physical or psychological dependence required for scheduling under the controlled substance act.

The history about steroids further articulates that anabolic steroids were put under the Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 1990 placed anabolic steroids into Schedule III of the Controlled Substances Act, and Congress enacted a rigorous legislation that had higher criminal penalties for the illegal distributors of anabolic steroids and human growth hormone. According to the Controlled Substances Act, anabolic steroids are the drugs or hormonal substances that are chemically and pharmacologically related to testosterone (other than estrogens, progestins, and corticosteroids) that promote muscle growth. Several US pharmaceutical companies, such as Ciba, Searle, Syntex and others, stopped manufacturing or marketing anabolic steroids by the early 1990s.

According to the recent history about steroids, the 1990s was the time when the market of counterfeit anabolic steroids emerged, and the drug markets were flooded with fake anabolic steroids. This resulted in the amendment of the Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 1990. Taking effect on Jan 20, 2005, the Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 2004 placed both anabolic steroids and prohormones on a list of controlled substances, making possession of the banned substances without a prescription a federal crime.